I was born in 1969. in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia (now Serbia/Vojvodina). I published comics in numerous Serbian and Yugoslavian magazines, as well as "Cool strip art anthology" (Macedonia), MotoFoto (Croatia), "Blek" (Iceland), "Biker Szene" (Germany), including pin-ups in Jersey Devil (published by SJRP, USA), Totems (published by Carton frolics, USA), Akiko (USA)...
In 1999. I launched the online magazine "Strip Vesti" („Comics News“), which has consistently been reporting comic book news for the past 21 years at: www.stripvesti.com!
I had also published four issues of the fanzine "ZinFan TripS", whose goal was to promote local comics authors from Novi Sad. In 2001. I started working at Stripoteka, one of the longest-running European comics magazines. Around that time I also launched the imprint Drugi pogled (“Second look”), which published all five issues of the comic La Bête Noire (by Darko Macan and Milan Jovanović), as well as one album of Stormy & Iceberg (by Bane Kerac and Sibin Slavković).
Since 2014. I’ve been working as a freelance comic book artist, illustrator, letterer, designer, prepress technician and publisher.
I self-published a collection of short anti-war comics titled "Sve je to ljudski (ili možda nije)" (It’s all human nature (or maybe not)) as well as a single issue of a noir comic "Black & Angela", and in 2012. I launched a self-published comic-book magazine Samo strip… (Just a comic…) which comes out on an irregular basis, as soon as there’s enough new material.
Samo strip… (Just a comic…) is also available electronically in English.
Zlatko Milenković, rođen 1969.godine u Novom Sadu, Jugoslavija (Srbija/Vojvodina). Stripovi su mi objavljivani u mnogobrojnim magazinima u Srbiji, teu "Cool strip art anthology" (Makedonija), Moto Foto (Hrvatska), "Blek" (Island), "Biker Szene" (Nemačka)... PinUpovi u Jersey Devil (SJRP-USA), Totems (Carton frolics-USA), Akiko (USA)...
Internet magazin "Strip Vesti" pokrećem 1999.godine i one već dvadeset i jednu godinu neprekidno donose vesti iz sveta stripa www.stripvesti.com!
Izdavao sam fanzin "ZinFan TripS" kao poligon za promovisanje novosadskih autora, izašla su četiri broja. U Stripoteci, jednom od najdugovečnijih evropskih strip magazina, zaposlio sam se 2001. godine. Pokrenuo sam u to vreme i ediciju Drugi pogled u kojoj je izašlo pet svezaka stripa La Bête Noire (D. Macan – M. Jovanović) i jedan album Stormy & Iceberg (B.Kerac – S. Slavković).
Od 2014. sam freelancer i bavim se stripom, ilustracijom, lettering-om, dizajnom, pripremom za štampu i izdavaštvom…
Objavio sam album "Sve je to ljudski (ili možda nije)", zbirku kratkih antiratnih stripova, jednu svesku stripa "Black & Angela" i od 2012. godine pokrećem samizdat strip magazin Samo strip… koji izlazi povremeno, kako se sakupi materijala.
Samo strip… je dostupan u elektronskom izdanju i na engleskom jeziku.