JUST A COMIC… is a self-published publication born out of my work on the online Facebook-comic by the same name. Over time, the idea crystallized and so I registered and launched this comics magazine, where I could regularly publish my own work, on my own terms. That gives me the freedom to do whatever I want and not be a slave to deadlines (since I also have other jobs), and over time present in one place my entire work in the field of comics. One of my goals is also to popularize the webcomics form, which still hasn’t taken root in our region (former Yugoslavia and neighboring countries). Therefore, besides the printed Serbo-Croatian language edition of Justa a comic… there is also its electronic publication, as well as an English-language version whose goal is to take the world by storm… ;) Thank you for your time and patience, see you in the funny papers (as often as possible)!!!
SAMO STRIP... je samostalno autorsko izdanje nastalo kao rezultat mog rada na online (Facebook) stripu istog naziva. Vremenom se ideja iskristalizovala, te sam registrovao i pokrenuo ovaj strip magazin kako bih mogao redovno da objavljujem svoje radove, pod sopstvenim uslovima. To mi daje slobodu da radim šta i kako hoću, a da ne robujem rokovima jer se ipak bavim i drugim poslovima, te da, vremenom, na jednom mestu predstavim kompletan svoj rad na polju stripa. Jedan od ciljeva mi je i uvođenje standarda elektronskog stripa koji ovde na našim prostorima (bivša Jugoslavija i komšiluk) još nije uhvatio korene. Tako da osim što se Samo strip... štampa na srpsko-hrvatskom jeziku, postoji istovetno elektronsko izdanje kao i izdanje na engleskom jeziku koje se bavi osvajanjem celog sveta...;) Hvala na pažnji, strpljenju i čitamo se što je češće moguće!!!
PLANET COMIX is an edition of a comic album (graphic novels) in which complete stories or episodes of comics that were previously serialized in the comic magazine "Samo strip…" are published.
PLANETA STRIP je edicija strip albuma (grafičkih novela/romana) u kojoj se objavljuju celovite priče ili epizode stripova koji su prethodno serijalizovani u strip magazinu "Samo strip…" |
Our first issue brings you the first 16 pages of Just a comic… which have originally been published on my Facebook page, From the archives of my older works we have the essay Something in between… the comics and the ghetto and the comic Rain falls, grass grows… My guests in this issue are Sabahudin Muranović – Muran and Milosav Ostojić with their 4-page comic Matchstick. And then, after an interview with Vladimir Tadić – Đole, writer of the acclaimed horror-comedy comic Zabava za celu porodicu, we have four comic strips of Germs and two pages of The Silly Bikers.
Prvi broj donosi prvih 16 strana Samo stripa... koji je premijerno objavljivan na mojoj facebook stranici, iz arhive mojih starijih radova tu se nalaze tekst Nešto između... stripa i geta i strip Kiša pada, trava raste.... U ovom broju gosti su mi Sabahudin Muranović - Muran i Milosav Ostojić sa svojim četvorostraničnim stripom Šibica. Nakon intervjua sa Vladimirom Tadićem – Đoletom, scenaristom stripa Zabava za celu porodicu, slede četiri kaiša Bacila i dve strane stripa The Silly Bikers.
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Issue #2 delivers 16 brand new pages of Just a comic… which were initially published on my Facebook page, From the archives of my older works we have an essay Something in between… the basement ad the roof and the comic Let us dance the last tango… My guests in this issue are Milan Anđelković an Nikola Markov with their four-page comic The Well. And then, after an interview with Mladen Oljača, comic-book author from Novi Sad we have another four comic strips of Germs and two pages of The Silly Bikers.
Drug broj donosi novih 16 strana Samo stripa... koji je premijerno objavljivan na mojoj facebook stranici, iz arhive mojih starijih radova tu se nalaze tekst Nešto između... podruma i krova i strip Igrajmo poslednji tango.... Mopji gosti u ovom broju su Milan Anđelković i Nikola Markov, sa svojim četvorostraničnim stripom Bunar. Nakon intervjua sa Mladenom Oljačom, strip autorom iz Novog Sada, slede četiri kaiša Bacila i dve strane stripa The Silly Bikers.
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Unlike previous issues, this third one features exclusively mu Anti-war comics which I made during the conflicts in former Yugoslavia from 1991 to 1994, which were published regularly by the weekly magazine STAV.
Za razliku od prethodnih brojeva, u ovom trećem nalaze se isključivo moji anti-ratni stripovi koje sam radio za vreme ratnih dešavanja na prostoru Jugoslavije 1991-1994. a koje je redovno objavljivao nedeljnik STAV.
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Issue number four, just like the third one, deviates from the standard formula, this time also with a greater page count. It features a compete episode of SUPER STATE, a kind of continuation of my anti-war and anti-political work in comics. The first half of it was serialized in the weekly magazine NEZAVISNI, and the comic itself is a critique of our society and the irrational phenomena that occur within it. It portrays the post-war era and the time of citizen and student protests (1995-1997) through the eyes of the antihero Super State.
Četvrti broj, baš kao i treći, odstupa od standardne forme – ovog puta i većim brojem strana. Donosi kompletnu epizodu stripa SUPER STATE, koji je svojevrsni nastavak mog anti-ratnog i anti-političkog aktivizma u stripu. Prva polovina je objavljivana u nastavcima u nedeljniku NEZAVISNI, a sam strip se bavio kritikom društva i iracionalnim pojavama u njemu. Opisuje posleratni period i vreme građanskih i studentskih protesta (1995-1997) kroz vizuru antiheroja Super State-a.
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Our fifth issue brings you a record 22 pages of Just a comic… which had its premiere on my Facebook page, which practically concludes the first part of the saga of the wacky group of heroes which boldly went where no man has gone before. This issue also presents the online comics magazine MojStrip, and the people who work on it, followed by yet another four comic strips of Germs (featuring special guest-star Darko Macan), a poster I made for the Kragujevac Comic-Con and, on the back cover, the now traditional color page of The Silly Bikers.
Peti broj donosi čak 22 strane Samo stripa... koji je premijerno objavljivan na mojoj facebook stranici, te se ovde praktično završava prvi deo priče o šašavoj grupi heroja koja je hrabro krenula gde još niko nije išao. U ovom broju predstavljen je i onlajn strip magazin MojStrip kao i ekipa koja na njemu radi. Zatim slede četiri kaiša Bacila (uz gostovanje Darka Macana), plakat koji sam radio za Kragujevački festival stripa, a na zadnjoj korici, već standardno, kolorna stranica stripa The Silly Bikers.
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This issue brings us 11 pages of Just a comic… and two pages of Mummy, the second being a crossover with the acclaimed comic Bookworms by the Belgrade duo Penevski/Pavlić. A Postcard from Sarajevo is a short comic written by Predrag Đurić, penciled by the Spanish comic-book artist Francisco Maldonado, and inked and colored by me. It won the third place at the Macedonian Veles International Comic Showroom in 2013. After that we have my comics “From the archives” The Eyes of a Madman and 31st Century Museum, an interview with Jana Adamović about the exhibition of women’s comic She Wakes Up, followed by the old staple Germs, a poster for Kragujevac Comic-Con and The Silly Bikers.
Ovaj broj donosi 11 strana Samo stripa... kao i dve strane Mumije, od kojih je jedna crossover sa Knjiškim moljcima beogradskog tandema Penevski/Pavlić. Razglednica iz Sarajeva je strip koji je napisao Predrag Đurić, u olovci postavio Španac Francisco Maldonado, a ja istuširao i obojio. Dobitnik je treće nagrade u Velesu, Makedonija 2013. Slede "arhivski" stripovi Oči ludaka i Muzej XXXI veka, intervju sa Janom Adamović povodom izložbe ženskog stripa Ona se budi, a zatim standardno Bacili, plakat za Kragujevački festival stripa i The Silly Bikers.
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PLANETA STRIP: 1. Družina / PLANET COMIX: 1. The Fellowship
TPB, 72 pages of black and white comics, with color covers • This volume contains the complete first story arc of "Just a Comic...", which was previously serialized in the titular magazine, as well as a bonus gallery "FRIENDS IN DEED", featuring artwork by acclaimed artists Darko Macan, Mladen Oljača, FIlip Stanković, Franja Straka, Branislav Kerac, Emir Pašanović, Miloš Radmilac, Milivoj Kostić Kole, Obrad Popović Cho, Nataša Milenković and Esmir Prlja.
Strip album, 72 strane crno belog stripa + korice u koloru • U ovom albumu se nalazi kompletna prva epizoda Samo stripa… prethodno objavljivana u nastavcimu u istoimenom magazinu. Dodatak je galerija: PRIJATELJI U AKCIJI: Darko Macan, Mladen Oljača, Filip Stanković, Franja Straka, Branislav Kerac, Emir Pašanović, Miloš Radmilac, Milivoj Kostić Kole, Obrad Popović Cho, Nataša Milenković i Esmir Prlja.
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