15 October, 2023. |
25th year of Comic News – 25. godina Strip vesti
From the catalog of the 20th International Comics Salon to the organization of the Student Cultural Center Belgrade. The text was written by Slobodan Ivkov.
On December 25, 1998, an unexpected email arrived at the addresses of twenty of us. The email came with a promise "that the issues will be over 50 by New Year." It was written by Zlatko Milenković (Novi Sad, 1969), whom I knew only through his comics. Even in the years that followed, I never personally met him, not even when I wrote an article for the commemorative 150th issue (which is still available today in the SpecArchive section on the website The article was written in honor of this highly praised first Serbian comics internet magazine. Zlatko persistently (I still don’t know how he managed!) sent us weekly emails every Friday from January 1, 1999, even during the NATO bombing of Serbia (from March to June), until issue 402 on March 2, 2007. The magazine had a tremendous number of columns, commentaries, discussions, announcements, contests, critiques, promotions... Zlatko changed the design several times. Then, on March 15, 2007, he wrote: "Comics news is dead - long live Comics news!" and discontinued the weekly sending of formatted issues. Instead, he set up a website that he updated daily...

Iz kataloga 20. Međunarodnog salona stripa u organizaciju Studentskog kulturnog centra Beograd. Tekst je napisao Slobodan Ivkov.
Na e-adrese nas dvadesetoro, 25. decembra 1998. godine, uz obećanje „da će taj broj do Nove godine biti veći od 50“, neočekivano je stigao mejl. Napisao nam ga je Zlatko Milenković (Novi Sad, 1969), koga sam do tada znao samo po njegovim stripovima, a i godinama potom nisam ga lično upoznao, čak ni kada sam povodom jubilarnog 150. broja napisao tekst (eno ga i danas u rubrici SpecArhiva na sajtu u počast ovog, svake hvale prvog srpskog stripskog internet časopisa kojeg nam je uporno (ni danas ne znam kako je uspevao!) jednom nedeljno mejlovima slao od petka 1. januara 1999, čak i za vreme NATO bombardovanja Srbije (od marta do juna), sve do broja 402. od 2. marta 2007. Ogroman broj rubrika, kolumni, komentara, polemika, najava, konkursa, kritika, promocija... Menjao je nekoliko puta i dizajn. Onda je 15. marta 2007. napisao: „Strip vesti su mrtve - živele Strip vesti!”, pa je napustio nedeljno slanje formiranih brojeva i postavio sajt koji je svakodnevno ažurirao...
20 August, 2020. |
PLANET COMIX, Vol. 1: The Fellowship
Art by: Zlatko Milenković ZMCOMICS
Price: $4.99 • Buy now on comiXology!
72 pages of black and white comics, with color covers
This volume contains the complete first story arc of "Just a Comic...", which was previously serialized in the titular magazine, as well as a bonus gallery "FRIENDS IN DEED", featuring artwork by acclaimed artists Darko Macan, Mladen Oljača, FIlip Stanković, Franja Straka, Branislav Kerac, Emir Pašanović, Miloš Radmilac, Milivoj Kostić Kole, Obrad Popović Cho, Nataša Milenković and Esmir Prlja.

About this comic:
Milenković succeeds in that always demanding and - at least around these parts - underexplored genre which deals with the author's attempts to chronicle overcoming the obstacles on the road to creating a specific tale akin to the stream of consciousness in comics form. Or rather, to create a comic which seemingly doesn't have a clearly defined script, and whose narrative will be formed whist creating the artwork, thereby exceeding purely listing free associations in order to form his unique author's voice.
That voice beckons you to embark on an adventure from your armchair, an adventure whose destination holds the promise of one of those love-stories dedicated to "The Ninth art" that has yet to be discovered.
- from a review by Vuk Popadić
3 July, 2020. |
Planeta strip: Družina - prvi album nove edicije!
Prvi albim edicije PLANETA STRIP: Družina, Format: 160x230mm, 130 gramska bezdrvna, crno belo, 72 strane + korice u koloru (sa klapnama) knjižni blok prošiven. Od danas je u prodaji "papirno" izdanje u striparnici Alan Ford po ceni od 450 dinara!!!

Elektronsko, domaće, izdanje već neko vreme može da se kupi za 240 dinara na "kiosku" Novinarnice:
U ovom albumu se nalazi kompletna prva epizoda Samo stripa… uz galeriju "Prijatelji u akciji" gde su svoje crteže priložili: Darko Macan, Mladen Oljača, Filip Stanković, Franja Straka, Branislav Kerac, Emir Pašanović, Miloš Radmilac, Milivoj Kostić Kole, Obrad Popović Cho, Nataša Milenković i Esmir Prlja.
O stripu:
Milenković uspeva u uvek zahtevnom, a u nas nikad dovoljno istraženom žanru, koji se bavi autorovim težnjama da zabeleži svoju borbu sa preprekama na putu da kreira specifičnu pripovest nalik na roman toka svesti u stripu, odnosno da kreira strip za koji samo naizgled ne postoji jasan i definisan scenario, a čiji će se narativ formirati u toku rada na crtežima nadilazeći tako puko ređanje i slaganje slobodnih asocijacija i formirajući sopstveni autorski glas.
Glas je to koji poziva na avanturu iz fotelje, avanturu čije ishodište obećava jednu od onih priča o ljubavi prema devetoj umetnosti koju tek treba otkriti.
– iz recenzije Vuka Popadića |
1 April, 2020. |
Samo strip... dva meseca besplatno online!
Nije prvoaprilska šala, nije bila ni pre ŠEST godina. O da, punih šest godina sam freelancer, a ukupno je šest brojeva Samo stripa… izašlo do sada, pa…

...U vreme kada smo svi u ovoj prinudnoj izolaciji, ne samo u onoj freelacerskoj, dele se besplatni stripovi u elektronskom formatu… pa… Naravno pridružiću se toj akciji i svih šest brojeva Samo stripa… će tokom ovog i narednog meseca biti dostupni za besplatno čitanje preko interneta na sledećim linkovima:
Samo strip... #1 :
Samo strip... #2 :
Samo strip... #3 :
Samo strip... #4 :
Samo strip... #5 :
Samo strip... #6 :
Naravno, ako vam se svide možete ih kupiti u papirnom obliku u striparnici Alan Ford, ili elektronskoj formi u Novinarnici, ili englesku verziju na Comixology sajtu. |
Just a comic... two months free online!
This is NOT an April Fool’s Day joke, nor was it six years ago! Oh yeah, I've been a freelancer now for six full years, with a total of six issues of Just a comic... well, *so far*, and so... a time when we are faced with this compulsory isolation, an not just the freelancing kind, people are giving away free comics in digital format... so ... of course I'm joining join this action, therefore: all six issues of Just a comic... will be free to read online for the next two months at the following links:
Just a comic... #1 :
Just a comic... #2 :
Just a comic... #3 :
Just a comic... #4 :
Just a comic... #5 :
Just a comic... #6 :
Of course, if you like, you can buy them in paper form at the Alan Ford Comic Book Store, in e-format at Novinarnica, or get the English version on the Comixology website. |